In 2019 we had the second edition of our project VolunTube, and we called it VolunTube World! Following the same essence and objectives of giving the chance to youngsters to create videos and share inspiring stories from different parts of the world, this edition counted with our previous partners from Asia, and welcomed new European countries and two others from Latin America:
- Initiative Développement Citoyen (IDC), France
- Associazione di promozione sociale Joint, Italy
- Associação Quinta das Relvas, Portugal
- Anazitites Theatrou, Greece
- GREAT, Indonesia
- Cambodian Youth Action, Cambodia
- Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos, Peru
- Corporación Proyectando Imaginarios, Colombia
On May we hosted 16 volunteers (2 per each country), 8 communication managers and 4 trainers, and for two weeks, the new voluntubers received different workshops about, photography, video making and editing, story telling and more!
And between July and November, each pair of volunteers traveled to another country to experience a 2-month EVS at each partner organization, participate in its activities and achieve to make 8 videos.
We had the pleasure to exchange volunteers with the organization in Peru, and this is why we sent Elodie and Charlotte to experience life in the peruvian mountains. And we hosted Luigi and Fiorella, who stayed and shared with us during our summer season.
If you want to see the great results of this edition, check all the videos and portraits on Voluntube’s Facebook Page. And don’t forget to follow and stay tune for the next news and calls of the project. #YouCanBeNext
Also, check how was our Voluntube’s Workshop here in France! Where we share some tips and tools of video-making and story telling with other youngsters!